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Town of Crested Butte Adopts Residential Sprinklers for all new Attached Housing

Thursday, August 18, 2022 9:26 AM | Robert Merlino (Administrator)

Starting January 1, 2023, the Town of Crested Butte will be enforcing the following building codes to ensure the health and safety of our citizens, as well as contribute to meeting the Town’s Climate Action Goals of promoting energy efficiency and facilitating renewable energy. The following provisions apply to building permits within the Town of Crested Butte. All permit applications and permit sets submitted after December 1st, 2022, will need to be designed under the newly adopted codes.

Sprinkler Requirements: All shared wall units including duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, and multifamily units shall meet the IFC Chapter 9 provisions.

2021_Building_Code_Fact_Sheet.pdf (crestedbutte-co.gov)


3531 South Logan St., Suite D #184
Englewood, CO 80113
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